;(function () { 'use strict'; // iPad and iPod detection var isiPad = function(){ return (navigator.platform.indexOf("iPad") != -1); }; var isiPhone = function(){ return ( (navigator.platform.indexOf("iPhone") != -1) || (navigator.platform.indexOf("iPod") != -1) ); }; // Parallax var parallax = function() { $(window).stellar(); }; // Burger Menu var burgerMenu = function() { $('body').on('click', '.js-pw-nav-toggle', function(event){ event.preventDefault(); if ( $('#navbar').is(':visible') ) { $(this).removeClass('active'); } else { $(this).addClass('active'); } }); }; var testimonialCarousel = function(){ var owl = $('.owl-carousel-fullwidth'); owl.owlCarousel({ items: 1, loop: true, margin: 0, responsiveClass: true, nav: false, dots: true, smartSpeed: 500, autoHeight: true }); }; // Page Nav var clickMenu = function() { $('#navbar a:not([class="external"])').click(function(event){ var section = $(this).data('nav-section'), navbar = $('#navbar'); if ( $('[data-section="' + section + '"]').length ) { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $('[data-section="' + section + '"]').offset().top - 55 }, 500); 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} } }); }; // Animations // Home var homeAnimate = function() { if ( $('#pw-home').length > 0 ) { $('#pw-home').waypoint( function( direction ) { if( direction === 'down' && !$(this.element).hasClass('animated') ) { setTimeout(function() { $('#pw-home .to-animate').each(function( k ) { var el = $(this); setTimeout ( function () { el.addClass('fadeInUp animated'); }, k * 200, 'easeInOutExpo' ); }); }, 200); $(this.element).addClass('animated'); } } , { offset: '80%' } ); } }; var exploreAnimate = function() { var explore = $('#pw-explore'); if ( explore.length > 0 ) { explore.waypoint( function( direction ) { if( direction === 'down' && !$(this.element).hasClass('animated') ) { setTimeout(function() { explore.find('.to-animate').each(function( k ) { var el = $(this); setTimeout ( function () { el.addClass('fadeInUp animated'); }, k * 200, 'easeInOutExpo' ); }); }, 200); setTimeout(function() { explore.find('.to-animate-2').each(function( k ) { var el = $(this); setTimeout ( function () { el.addClass('fadeInLeft animated'); 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} } , { offset: '80%' } ); } }; var pricingAnimate = function() { var pricing = $('#pw-pricing'); if ( pricing.length > 0 ) { pricing.waypoint( function( direction ) { if( direction === 'down' && !$(this.element).hasClass('animated') ) { setTimeout(function() { pricing.find('.to-animate').each(function( k ) { var el = $(this); setTimeout ( function () { el.addClass('fadeIn animated'); }, k * 200, 'easeInOutExpo' ); }); }, 200); setTimeout(function() { pricing.find('.to-animate-2').each(function( k ) { var el = $(this); setTimeout ( function () { el.addClass('fadeInUp animated'); }, k * 200, 'easeInOutExpo' ); }); }, 200); $(this.element).addClass('animated'); } } , { offset: '80%' } ); } }; var servicesAnimate = function() { var services = $('#pw-services'); if ( services.length > 0 ) { services.waypoint( function( direction ) { if( direction === 'down' && !$(this.element).hasClass('animated') ) { var sec = services.find('.to-animate').length, sec = parseInt((sec * 200) + 400); setTimeout(function() { services.find('.to-animate').each(function( k ) { var el = $(this); setTimeout ( function () { el.addClass('fadeInUp animated'); }, k * 200, 'easeInOutExpo' ); }); }, 200); setTimeout(function() { services.find('.to-animate-2').each(function( k ) { var el = $(this); setTimeout ( function () { el.addClass('bounceIn animated'); }, k * 200, 'easeInOutExpo' ); }); }, sec); $(this.element).addClass('animated'); } } , { offset: '80%' } ); } }; var teamAnimate = function() { var team = $('#pw-team'); if ( team.length > 0 ) { team.waypoint( function( direction ) { if( direction === 'down' && !$(this.element).hasClass('animated') ) { var sec = team.find('.to-animate').length, sec = parseInt((sec * 200) + 400); setTimeout(function() { team.find('.to-animate').each(function( k ) { var el = $(this); setTimeout ( function () { el.addClass('fadeIn animated'); }, k * 200, 'easeInOutExpo' ); }); }, 200); setTimeout(function() { team.find('.to-animate-2').each(function( k ) { var el = $(this); setTimeout ( function () { el.addClass('fadeInUp animated'); }, k * 200, 'easeInOutExpo' ); }); }, sec); $(this.element).addClass('animated'); } } , { offset: '80%' } ); } }; var faqAnimate = function() { var faq = $('#pw-faq'); if ( faq.length > 0 ) { faq.waypoint( function( direction ) { if( direction === 'down' && !$(this.element).hasClass('animated') ) { var sec = faq.find('.to-animate').length, sec = parseInt((sec * 200) + 400); setTimeout(function() { faq.find('.to-animate').each(function( k ) { var el = $(this); setTimeout ( function () { el.addClass('fadeIn animated'); }, k * 200, 'easeInOutExpo' ); }); }, 200); setTimeout(function() { faq.find('.to-animate-2').each(function( k ) { var el = $(this); setTimeout ( function () { el.addClass('fadeInUp animated'); }, k * 200, 'easeInOutExpo' ); }); }, sec); $(this.element).addClass('animated'); } } , { offset: '80%' } ); } }; var trustedAnimate = function() { var trusted = $('#pw-trusted'); if ( trusted.length > 0 ) { trusted.waypoint( function( direction ) { if( direction === 'down' && !$(this.element).hasClass('animated') ) { var sec = trusted.find('.to-animate').length, sec = parseInt((sec * 200) + 400); setTimeout(function() { trusted.find('.to-animate').each(function( k ) { var el = $(this); setTimeout ( function () { el.addClass('fadeIn animated'); }, k * 200, 'easeInOutExpo' ); }); }, 200); setTimeout(function() { trusted.find('.to-animate-2').each(function( k ) { var el = $(this); setTimeout ( function () { el.addClass('bounceIn animated'); }, k * 200, 'easeInOutExpo' ); }); }, sec); $(this.element).addClass('animated'); } } , { offset: '80%' } ); } }; var footerAnimate = function() { var footer = $('#pw-footer'); if ( footer.length > 0 ) { footer.waypoint( function( direction ) { if( direction === 'down' && !$(this.element).hasClass('animated') ) { setTimeout(function() { footer.find('.to-animate').each(function( k ) { var el = $(this); setTimeout ( function () { el.addClass('fadeIn animated'); }, k * 200, 'easeInOutExpo' ); }); }, 200); $(this.element).addClass('animated'); } } , { offset: '80%' } ); } }; var footerAnimate = function() { var footer = $('#pw-footer'); if ( footer.length > 0 ) { footer.waypoint( function( direction ) { if( direction === 'down' && !$(this.element).hasClass('animated') ) { setTimeout(function() { footer.find('.to-animate').each(function( k ) { var el = $(this); setTimeout ( function () { el.addClass('fadeIn animated'); }, k * 200, 'easeInOutExpo' ); }); }, 200); $(this.element).addClass('animated'); } } , { offset: '80%' } ); } }; // Document on load. $(function(){ parallax(); burgerMenu(); clickMenu(); windowScroll(); navigationSection(); testimonialCarousel(); // Animations homeAnimate(); exploreAnimate(); testimonyAnimate(); gettingStartedAnimate(); gettingStarted2Animate(); pricingAnimate(); servicesAnimate(); teamAnimate(); faqAnimate(); trustedAnimate(); footerAnimate(); magnifPopup(); // pw 161127 추가 }); }());