/* IE detection (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19999388/jquery-check-if-user-is-using-ie) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function isIE() { var ua = window.navigator.userAgent; var msie = ua.indexOf("MSIE "); if (msie > 0 || !!navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident.*rv\:11\./)) { return true; } else { return false; } return false; } /* Google Map ---------------------------- */ var map = ''; var mapLoaded = false; function initialize() { var mapOptions = { zoom: 15, center: new google.maps.LatLng(13.758468,100.567481) }; map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), mapOptions); } /* Full page height ---------------------------- */ var footerChangeBreakpoint = 768; var footerHTML = ''; function setPageHeight(){ var pageHeight = $('.main-container').height() - $('.postweb-header').outerHeight(); if($(window).width() >= footerChangeBreakpoint) { pageHeight -= $('#footer').height(); } $('.page').css("height", pageHeight + "px"); } /* Inject footer ---------------------------- */ function setFooter(){ if(currentPageNo != 1) { if($(window).width() >= footerChangeBreakpoint) { if( $('.page-container > #footer').length > 0 ) { $('.page-container > #footer').remove(); } if( $('.main-container > #footer').length == 0 ) { $('.main-container').append(footerHTML); $('.main-container > #footer').addClass('absolute-pos'); } } else { if( $('.main-container > #footer').length > 0 ) { $('.main-container > #footer').remove(); } if( $('.page-container > #footer').length == 0 ) { $('.page-container').append(footerHTML); $('.main-container > #footer').removeClass('absolute-pos'); } } } else { $('#footer').remove(); } } /* Change page ---------------------------- */ var currentPageNo = 1; function changePage(event) { var nextPageNo = event.target.id.substr(4, 1); if( nextPageNo == currentPageNo ) { return; } if($(event.target).hasClass('external')) { window.location.href = $(event.target).attr('href'); return; } $currentPage = $('#page' + currentPageNo); $nextPage = $('#page' + nextPageNo); if(nextPageNo != 1) { if( !(api.supersized.vars.is_paused) ){ api.playToggle(); } if(nextPageNo == 5) { if(!mapLoaded) { // load google map var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.src = 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?v=3.exp&sensor=false&' + 'callback=initialize'; document.body.appendChild(script); mapLoaded = true; } } } $nextPage.fadeIn(400); $currentPage.fadeOut(400); $('#page'+ currentPageNo + '_link').removeClass('active'); $('#page'+ nextPageNo + '_link').addClass('active'); $('#page'+ currentPageNo + '_link_m').removeClass('active'); $('#page'+ nextPageNo + '_link_m').addClass('active'); currentPageNo = nextPageNo; $( window ).resize(); } /* Init ----------------------------- */ $(function () { setPageHeight(); $( window ).resize(setFooter); $( window ).resize(setPageHeight); //mobile menu and desktop menu $('nav li').click( changePage ); $('#mobile_menu li').click( changePage ); hide_left = $(document).width(); $("#mobile_menu").css({left: hide_left}); $("#mobile_menu").hide(); $("#postweb_mobile_menu_wap").click(function(){ if($('#mobile_menu').is(':visible')) { hide_left = $(document).width(); $("#mobile_menu").animate({left: hide_left},1000,function(){ $("#mobile_menu").hide(); }); }else{ $("#mobile_menu").show(); show_left = $(document).width() - 250 ; $("#mobile_menu").animate({left: show_left},1000); } return false; }); $('.page').fadeOut(0); $('#page1').fadeIn(0); if(isIE()){ $('.about-container img').addClass('ie'); // To fix responsive height problem in IE } });